Grand Slam

Endorsed by the whole rock community, Phil Lynott, allmighty Thin Lizzy leader, was dreaming of adventures and the result was a brand new Grand Slam circa 1984 with young coyotes with sharped teeth.
Victim of his “bad reputation”, Lynott couldn’t get a record deal for his new band in spite of impressive stage performances. Phil left the band in 1986, so Thin Lizzy’s future was in trouble, and much more was Grand Slam. If some “tribute bands” sparked the Lizzy flame, we had no news from Grand Slam.
So, Laurence Archer (ex-Stampede, UFO and…Grand Slam guitarist) revived the 1984-1985 shooting star, but became established, with an impressive band, as the only beneficiary in Thin Lizzy spirit with a fantastic album called “Hit the Ground” in November 2019 ! What a major accomplishment !