
Alcatrazz therefore currently has one thing in common with Wishbone Ash, Saxon and far too many others: an entity angry to death and divided in two! It’s rock in a nutshell. We have to bow down and adapt. Even though the very essence of Alcatrazz is that of singer Graham Bonnet, we had to opt for the most modern version and the most suitable for direct operation. That of the two
founding members Jimmy Waldo and Gary Shea.
The keyboardist and bassist of this new Alcatrazz (but also of New England!) macqués with the guitarist prodigy Joe Stump and the Scottish singer Doogie White, an old pro who officiated in Rainbow but also with Yngwie Malmsteen and with Michael Schenker . Listening to his latest opus (“V”), this over-vitamined Alcatrazz seems in great shape. To check.
Listening to his latest opus (“V”), this over-vitamined Alcatrazz seems in great shape. To check.